by Stephanie Batailler
HOW ABOUT a new literary subgenre: the JOB FANTAZY?
A Job Seeker in Hollywood (OhlalaLand).
A Legendary Film Studio.
A Parade of Wacky Characters.
A Tale within a Tale.
A Biofiction. A Good Deed.
Tale of a Job Interview at OhlalaLand is first and foremost a book with a job: to replace a résumé!
The author, Stephanie Batailler, French-born American, has two passions: one for books and one for Cinema. She moved to Hollywood with only one thought in mind: landing a job in the story department of a big movie or animation studio. But there was just a minor problem: her connections. She had none; which left her with no choice but to respond to job postings on the internet. And we know how these things go! After sending dozen of résumés a day for months, her number of responses reached: 0. Therefore, she came up with a new plan: instead of a résumé, she would write a fairy-tale-like story of her much anticipated job interview and send it as a book to human resources and studio executives: a book with a colorful book cover and illustrations is much more likely to appeal than reading a résumé!
The STORY: Once upon a time…“Baby born with teeth, starts talking to obstetrician and midwife about gestation experience!“ Indeed, Stephanie was born to tell stories like the ones that inspired her entire childhood, the stories from OhlalaLand Studios. Hoping the legendary studios will recognize her skill as a storyteller, Stephanie is one step closer today as she stands in front of the studios with a job interview summons in her hands. But the experience isn’t quite what she expected. OhlalaLand’s interviewing process is a little…unusual, a little…OhlalaLandian!
Join Stephanie in a tale within a tale, a parade of wacky characters where talking animals, walking buttons, epicurean pen-people, and ghosts with cellular phones, are as real as the mystical creature interviewing her. In the nest of wonder and imagination, happily ever after is not far away or…is it?
Tale of a Job Interview at OhlalaLand has 15 illustrations. For more information about them, click here.
Stephanie started a discussion on Amazon and Goodreads: “How far would you go to get the job interview for your dream job?“
Guess WHO IS reading Tale of a Job Interview at OhlalaLand!
MARK DACASCOS is reading OhlalaLand stories!
Tale of a Job Interview at OhlalaLand receives great TESTIMONIALS!

Ron Judkins and Stephanie Batailler at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science of Los Angeles for the screening of Interstellar.
RON JUDKINS is a Production sound mixer and writer-director. Ron has won two Academy Awards® for Best Sound for Jurassic Park, Saving Private Ryan and has been nominated for another three for Schindler’s List, War of the Worlds, Lincoln.
“In my years in the “industry” I am often asked for advice from people on how to get started—how to land that first job. But I’ve never come across such a creative approach as this! Ms Batailler has crafted an unexpected and wildly imaginative narrative in her quest to scale those studio walls. She deserves a good long interview—at the very least!! The story reminded me of how I felt about the studios when I first came to Los Angeles…” — Ron Judkins.
HERB DEAN is an international MMA referee, the favorite referee of the UFC and former fighter. Four-time consecutive recipient of the World MMA Awards for Referee of the Year, 2010-2013.
“A fun and witty satire about an aspiring filmmaker. Same thing as when I step into the fighter’s cage: I can’t wait to see how the story unfolds…” Herb Dean.
For all testimonials, click here.
Pour les testimoniaux en français, cliquez ici
A French version of the book premiered at the 29th Book and Press Fair of Geneva.
The fair welcomed more than 95,000 visitors and OhlalaLand stories was listed as the first of “The Must-Sees” at the book fair by the official magazine L’Hebdo.
For editorial and literary blogs reviews click here.