I’ve discovered Kids Kicking Cancer organization in the spring 2014 by reading an article on the internet.
I was profoundly touched by the greatness of their mission: teaching the mind-body techniques of Marial arts instruction, breath work and meditation to empower children beyond the pain and discomfort of disease.
At the time, I was working for Blackbelt TV, a television network about Marital Arts. I told my boss about the organization and I contacted its founder Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg – a First Degree Black belt in Choi Kwang Do who lost his first child to leukemia at the age of two – and invited him to come and visit us at Blackbelt Tv’s office to see what we could do to help. The network went on to support the foundation via its social media platform.
A few months later, I got the news that my mum got diagnosed with leukemia and right after I got laid off from Blackbelt TV (the network was encountering financial difficulties.) I have had one of the worse time of my life in that regard in these two years: 2014-2015. Thankfully, I had stayed in contact with Rabbi Goldberg who had been extremely supportive and comforting about my situation.
On October 2014, Rabbi Goldberg was one of the top finalist for the CNN heroes program.
And here is what I want to say: Cancer is not personal, it concerns everyone! Thanks to today’s advance technology and progress in medicine, there are cancers such as some types of leukemia that can be cured. So, what we need–more than money–is YOU, and hours of your time.
Indeed, we can cure some type of cancers by simply making donation of some of our BONE MARROW. It sounds scary but it is not. Bone marrow is the soft, fatty tissue inside your bone. A bone marrow transplant is a short procedure which replaces damaged or distorted bone marrow with healthy one.
Another way to save lives through stem cell transplant is using BLOOD from UMBILICAL CORDS and this is what my mum received on February 24, 2015. What is an umbilical cord blood? It is the blood that remains in the placenta and in the attached umbilical cord after child birth. This blood contains stem cells that can be used to treat some types of cancer and genetic disorders. A lot of times, when a child is being born, the placenta and the umbilical cord get discarded because hospitals do not have proper equipment that would allow them to preserve these stem cells. If we could make donations to quip more hospitals, we could save more lives!
You can help saving children and people’s lives and you don’t need to be rich to do it, you just need to give some of your time and small effort.
For more information about Kids Kicking Cancer organization and see how you can help, click here.
Read more information on Stem Cell Transplant, check the American Cancer Society.
To become a bone marrow donor, it’s easy. A simple blood test or cheek cell swab can be given through an authorized National Marrow Donor Program Donor Center or Recruitment Group is needed to obtain your HLA tissue type so it can be entered into the National Registry. I am myself a donor at Be The Match.